737CDU not registering key presses in MSFS

I am having a big problem with my 737CDUv1. In MSFS about 40-50% of the key presses on the CDU are not registered. It happens with different keys, with the LSK keys, with the pages keys, I cannot see a pattern here. It also does not matter if I use SPAD.next or the native CS software, the problem is the same.
For instance stepping through my flight plan in the Fenix (im using the CDU as an Airbus MCDU with a spad config, but the problem was the same in the PDMG 737) I need to press the “arrow” key up to 6 times sometimes to advance to the next point. Then the next is only 1 keypress, then the next is three presses, it is completely random.
Entering a waypoint like SAPRE would be something like this for me:
SSSAPRR(then CLR because one R is registered double)E
If I do a test in the original CS software on the TEST page however, it looks like all keypresses are registered. But using that software instead of SPAD does not make the problem go away as states above.
Selecting a CDU/MCDU page, 50% of the time i have to press the button twice, entering some data, 50% of the time I have to press the LSK key twice, 10% of the time it needs 3 presses.
This seems like a waste of 800 euros to me at this point.

Is there anything besides faulty hardware (but then again, the TEST page seems to respond correctly to all key presses) that could cause this behaviour?

Addition after more extensive testing:
In the CS app I can now also see that not all key presses are registered. I am starting to think something is wrong with my unit.

Please shoot some videos of the relevant operations and send them to me,[email protected].

Sorry for the late reply, I have been away on a business trip.
I will try and create a video ASAP and email it to you.