Aircraft Not Detected | iFly 737 Max 8

Aircraft Not Recognized - iFly 737 Max 8

The hardware is recognized in the H/W TEST window and the numbers on the hardware device change when turning the COURSE, IAS/MACH, HEADING knobs in the sim. The numbers do not change when I turn the knobs on the hardware.

The EFIS/MCP was running ideally using SPAD.neXt, but it does not work now after the iFly Max8 has been updated to v1.0.0

I verified that both devices are skipped in SPAD.neXt and MSFS 2020 is selected under config in the Bridge Software.

Any ideas?


The issue is resolved. I was told that the CS Bridge software will detect the iFLY Max 8 when it is added and configured for the hardware. I have been able to install snippets in SPAD.neXt and use the CS EFIS/MCP combo. It works really nicely and adds another depth of realism to the sim.