Hi, I’ve been noticing that the MCP displays blink once every 30 seconds or so while MSFS running and PMDG 737-700 loaded. You can see the blink at around the 5-6 second and 34-35 second marks. Any help is appreciated, it’s most noticeable when flying at night local time, not sim time.
Disregard I had the MCP enabled in SPAD.neXt and running the bridge at the same time causing a conflict of sorts. So, If I have the MCP configured for an aircraft with SPAD.neXt, I don’t need to tun the bridge software? Thanks.
If you have already configured the Spad and run it, you don’t need to run the bridge anymore, otherwise conflicts may arise.
You can also refer to this post https://community.cockpit-simulator.com/t/ignore-device-option-for-bridge See if it can be helpful to you.
Okay, thanks very much.