Csb777x cdu(v2) not mirroring info in sim

I recently purchased a CS B777x CDU (v2). I am relatively new to simming, and relly purchased this for my wife who is a b777 pilot, to aid here for her study for her upcoming upgrade

I have successfully powered on the unit

I have downloaded the cockpit simulator bridge software

this seems to successfully connect to the unit, it can control the light intensity and relevant information is displayed on the screen.

I however am having some problems getting the unit to mirror the CDU display in the sim

i have been trying to use xplane 11. initially in error I was trying to use the flight factor b777 plane in x plane - i understand now this is not supportive
I have laterly changed to using the Zibo 737 plane

the display on the physical CDU shows that the unit recognises i have this zibo737 installed
however i cannot get the unit to display the data shoen in the sim
and cannto get the sim to recognize inputs from the unit

lookingfor some help

overall very happy with the build quality of the product

thanks in advance